Sexy Eyes FAQ's

How does Sexy Eyes work?

Sexy Eyes helps your eyelashes grow strong, long, and healthy by acting as a vasodilator in the hair follicle. In addition, by having a more open follicle, eyelashes stay cleaner from impurities which increase their lifetime. The reason for this is because pollution, stress, not removing makeup, among other things, gradually damage our eyelashes.

How is Sexy Eyes applied?

Use it as a treatment on your eyelashes and eyebrows once a day. Sexy Eyes should only be applied on the growth of the eyelashes, just as you would do when using an eyeliner. Before applying it, make sure to remove unnecessary excess, by draining the applicator against the inside of the tube.

If you forget to use it one day or one week, no problem, just continue using it the following day as before. Discipline is key! Make a habit of wearing it consistently to ensure maximum results.

How often and how much Sexy Eyes serum should I apply? 

For first time users, we recommend starting by using small amounts at daytime and avoid using it at bedtime. This is to prevent the serum from going into the inner part of your eye during sleep and to avoid redness and dryness because of it. Once you see that there are no side effects, you can start applying more product and twice a day.

In how long will I see results with Sexy Eyes?

This depends on the individual using it, as well as how often and how much product is used. Some have started to notice results from the second week, but usually first results will begin in the 4th to 5th week, and the final result in week 8.

How long does a Sexy Eyes tube last?

The initial tube should last anywhere from two to three months, depending on how frequently it is used and how much product is applied. Once you have achieved your desired results, you can use it every other day to help it last longer.

Is Sexy Eyes safe?

Yes! Sexy Eyes is an ophthalmological solution manufactured by a group of experts specialized In the area of pharmacology and cosmetics.

Can I use SEXY EYES at any age? 

The recommended use is 15 years or older for both men and women.

Can I use makeup with Sexy Eyes?

Yes! We recommend that you use it before makeup on a clean and dry area. If you do so, just remember to wait 15 minutes before using any makeup to allow the product to dry.

Can I use Sexy Eyes while wearing eyelash extensions?

Yes! You can use it without a problem and your eyelashes will continue to grow strong and healthy.

Can I use SEXY EYES if I wear contact lenses? 

Contact lenses must be removed before applying SEXY EYES. Once applied, you can put your contact lenses back on after 15 minutes. 

Can I use Sexy Eyes on my eyebrows after microblading?

Yes! Sexy Eyes can be used after microblading and it does not affect the pigment.

Can I apply SEXY EYES on other parts of my body? 

Yes! because of its stimulating effect, you can apply SEXY EYES anywhere that hair naturally grows. 

Are Sexy Eyes results permanent?

No, keep in mind that the natural process of your eyelashes is to grow and fall off and unfortunately, Sexy Eyes can’t prevent eyelashes from naturally being renewed. Sexy Eyes is a treatment and will continue to stimulate and help with the growth of current and new eyelashes, if you continue using it. If Sexy Eyes is discontinued, your eyelashes will return to their normal growth as before, so it requires continuous use to maintain them long, strong, and healthy. Once the desired result is achieved, you can reduce the amount and frequency in which the product is used (every other day or so). This will maintain your results by keeping your hair follicle stimulated.  

Will my eyelashes fall off if I stop using Sexy Eyes?

No, but your eyelashes will eventually fall off because this is a natural process but has nothing to do with using or not using the product. To continue having beautiful and long eyelashes, it recommended to apply the product regularly and consistently.  

Should I stop using Sexy Eyes after a while?

Sexy Eyes can be used continuously without damaging your eyelashes. On the contrary, your eyelashes will remain strong due to the continuous use of it. There are already people, including myself, who have used it continuously for years without presenting problems.

Can I experience some form of irritation while using Sexy Eyes?

This is remotely possible on about 5% of users. Few people may experience some redness, irritation, itchiness, or dryness when using it for the first time. If this is the case, it is probably because you are using an excessive amount of product. We suggest that you remove the excess amount of product from the tip of the applicator before applying it to the growth of your eyelashes. It is not necessary to apply large amounts to achieve the same results. You can also try using a small amount of product only every other day. If there is severe irritation or discomfort, we recommend that you suspend the product until seen by your medical professional.

Does Sexy Eyes have side effects?

Some side effects are remotely possible:

  • redness and dryness in the eyes: To prevent this from happening, start by using very small amounts and avoid direct contact with the inner part of the eyeball or lacrimal duct. 
  • itchiness: This is normal due to the stimulating effect of the product caused by the blood flow to the area. 
  • Skin redness around the eyes: increased blood flow to the area could cause this. Most likely to be noticeable on light skin individuals. 

Does Sexy Eyes have any contraindications?

Consult your doctor before using this product if any of the following apply to you:

  • Recent or programmed eye surgery
  • Any form of eye disease or infection (Examples: Glaucoma, intraocular pressure, conjunctivitis, eye surgery, etc.)
  • Pregnancy or lactation
  • Less than 15 years old.

What happens if SEXY EYES touches the inside of my eye? 

SEXY EYES is an ophthalmic solution. If a small quantity gets in your eye, it is not expected to cause any damage. On the other hand, if you get a substantial amount inside the eye, possible redness, irritation or dryness can occur. If so, this should go away within a week. Make sure to contact your medical provider if any other medical questions arise. 

Has Sexy Eyes been tried on animals?

No, it is not tested on animals

Does Sexy Eyes have parabens?

No, Sexy Eyes does not contain parabens

Does Sexy Eyes have salt?

No, Sexy Eyes is salt free

Does Sexy Eyes have hormones?

No, Sexy Eyes does not contain growth hormones and its active agent is Prostaglandin (PG) analogue in very small amounts.

Can Sexy Eyes cause Glaucoma?

No, its main function is working as a vasodilator which helps increase blood flow to the lash follicle, making your eyelashes grow stronger and longer.

Where is SEXY EYES made? 

The SEXY EYES formula is produced in Mexico by a group of experts specialized in the area of pharmacology and cosmetology to ensure optimum and quality results.

Is Sexy Eyes certified?

It is notified to COFEPRIS (Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risk), which is Mexico’s equivalent to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)